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NOTE: These books are held in the O'Donnell Archives and are not located in Plough Library.
Abecia, Dr. Valentin Inaguracion De La Estatua Del Colorne Doctor Jose Bernardo de Montegudo.,(translation: Inauguration of the Statue of the Colorne Doctor Jose Bernardo de Montegudo.), 1909. 42p.
Alba, Armando. Guia Historica, Geografica, Fisica, Politica, Civil Y Legal DelGobierno E Intendencia de la Provincia de Postosi., (translation: Historical Guide, Geography, Physical, Civil and Legal Guide of the Government of Intendencia of the Province of Potosi.), 1952. 837p.
Amat, Felix Torres. La Sagrada Biblia, (translation: The Holy Bible.), 1950. 1315p.
Anonymous. American Indigena., (translation: Indian America.), 1961. 365p.
__________. Analisis De La Pesca De Consumo., Program No. 1. Segundo Informe. (translation: Analysis of Commerical Fisheries. Program No. 1, Second Part.), 1956. 193p.
__________. Anexos a la Memoria del Ministro de Reliciones Exteriores y Culto presentada al Congreso Ordinario de 1902., (translation: Appendix to the Memory of the Ministry of Foreign Relations and Culture Presented to the Ordinary Congress of 1902.), government document appendix, 1903. 436p.
__________. Anexos, (translation: Documents.). n.d. 296p.
__________. Anuario Eclesiastico Boliviano., (translation: Bolivian Ecclesiastical Yearbook.), 1924. 857p.
__________. Anuario Eclesiastico Boliviano., (translation: Bolivian Ecclesiastical Yearbook.), 1924. 217p.
__________. Boletin Dela Sociedad Geografica Sucre., Tomo XLII, (translation: Bulletin of the Sucre Geographic Society.), 1947. 592p.
__________. Boletin Eclesiastico XXVII., (translation: Ecclesiastical Bulletin XXVII.), No. 187, 1951. 52p.
__________. Boletin Eclesiastico XXVII., (translation: Ecclesiastical Bulletin XXVII. [Msgr. Luis Rodriguez Padro, Auxiliary Bishop Of the Dicoese.]), 1956. 23p.
__________. Boletin Eclesiastico XXVIII., (translation: Ecclesiastical Bulletin XXVIII. [Msgr. Luis Rodriguez Padro, Auxiliary Bisohp of Santa Cruz De La Sierra, Was Consecrated On October 5, 1952.]), 1952. 49p.
__________. Boletin Eclesiastico XXVIII., (translation: Ecclesiastical Bulletin XXVIII. [The Holy Father Expersses His Joy and Paternal Praises About the Success Of The Holy Mission.]), 1957. 64p.
__________. Boletin Eclesiastico XXIX., (translation: Ecclesiastical Bulletin XXIX. [Encyclical Letter Or Our Holy Lord By the Grace Of The Holy Providence of Pope Pius XII.]), 1953. 84p.
__________. Capitulor Preliminares., Capitalo I, (translation: Preliminary Terms., Chapter 1), n.d. 275p.
__________. Carta Enciclica De Nuestro Santisimo Senor Por La Divina Prvidencia Pio Papa XII. Boletin Eclesiastico., (translation: Encyclical Letter Of Our Holy Father Pius XII.), 1953. 68p.
__________. Catecismo Unico De la Doctrina Cristiana., (translation: Exclusive Catechism of Christian Doctrine.), by: permission of the Archbishop of La Paz, published: 1955. 130p.
__________. Combate de Kari-Kari Aclaraciones Obligadas Y Necesarias. , (translation: Obligatory and Necessary Explanations of Kari-Kari Combat.), 1889. 32p.
__________. Costo De Formacion Prefesional En Las Universidades Nacionales Del Peru., (translation:: Cost of Professional Education in the State Universities of Peru.), 1967. 49p.
__________. Desarrollo Del Pensamieto Politico De Bolivia., (translation: The Development Of Political Thought In Bolivia.), 1953. 117p.
__________. Documentos Para la Historia Nacional, Homenaje A los heroes del 10 Novembre de 1810: Salvador Mator... Pedro A. Ascarate... Eustaquio Eguivar... Alejo Nogales... Joaquim de la Quintana... Manuel Millares... Manuel Molina... Mariano Subieta... Melchor Daza... Diego Barrenchea... Pedro Costas..., (translation: Documents of the National History, Tribute to the Heroes of November 10, 1810: Salvador Mator, etc.), 1918. 45p.
___________. Don Nicanor Flores Y Narciso Campero Ante La Opinion Publica. , (translation: Don Nicanor Flores and Narciso Campero In Light of Public Opinion.), 1873. 20p.
___________. El Dr. Guillermo Urquidi y Su " Monografia del Departmento de Cochabamba"., (translation: Dr. Guillermo Urquid: and his "Monograph of the Department of Cochabamba"., n.d. 354p.
__________. Eldorado Boliviano., (translation: Bolivian Eldorado.), n.d. 240p.
__________. Exposicion Que Presenta A La Convencion Nacional El General Nicanor, Flores, Jefe Superior, Politico I Militar Del Sud., (translation: Presentation to the National Convention: General Nicanor Flores, Superior Chief, First Military Superior of the South.), 1880. 13p.
__________. Follestos Historicos Boliviano., (translation: Historical Bolivian Pamphlets.), (bound set of pamphlets, multiple authors/dates).
__________. Fr. Tarsicio Senner, O.F.M., (translation: Fray Tarsicio Senner, O. F. M., Bishop of Cochabamba, pastoral letter), n.d. 21p.
__________. Historia De La Conquista Del Oriente Bolivano., (translation: History Of The Conquest Of Eastern Bolivia.), 1939. 401p.
__________. Historia, Geografia, Politica, Economia, Industrias., (translation: History, Geography, Polotics, Economics, Industry.), n.d. 88p.
__________. Indian Language. (Title page missing), n.d. aprox. 600p.
__________. Indian Prayer Book., n.d. 8p.
__________. Informe Del Primer Seminario Distrital De Voluntarias., (translation: Report of the First Seminary District of Volunteers.), April, 1963. 66p.
__________. La America Y Los Aliados De La Corte Del Brasil., (translation: America and the Allies of the Court of Brazil.), 1866. 26p.
__________. La Reforma De La Liturgia De La Semana Santa El Decreto "Maxima Redemptionis Nostrae Mysteria.", (translation: Liturgical Reform of Holy Week. The Decree of the Sacred Congragation for Rites "Maxima Redemptionis Nostrae Mysteria."), 1955. 70p.
__________. Literatura Boliviana - Enrique Finot., (translation: Bolivian Literature - Enrique Finot.), n.d. 286p.
__________. Los Incas., (translation: The Incas., n.d. 205p.
__________. Memoria de Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto., (translation: Memorandum of the Minister of Foreign Relations and Culture.), 1903. 362p.
__________. Misterios De La Inquisicion De Espana., (translation: Misteries of the Inquisition in Spain.), n.d. 202p.
__________. Modesto Omiste, Su Tiempo Y Su Accion., (translation: Modesto Omiste. Its Time And Work.), n.d. 253.
__________. Para La Historia De La Constitucion de 1861., (translation: About the History of the Constitution of 1861.), 1963. 56p.
__________. Prefacio. - Aymara Grammar Book, (translation: Preface - Aymara Grammar Book.), n.d. 238p.
__________. Presiguiendo La Honrosa Faena., (translation: Pursuing Honorable Work.), n.d. 150p.
__________. Prologo - Ano 1573., (translation: Prologue - Year 1573.) n.d. 557p.
__________. Prologo - Ano De 1617., (translation: Prologue - Year 1617. Before The Town Council, Justice and Army of the City of Oropesa.) n.d. 414p.
__________. Propaganda Patriotica Homenaje al aniversario de la Gloria de Calama., (translation: Propaganda of Patriotic Homage to the Anniversary of the Glory of Calama.), 1921. 33p.
__________. Provision Del Virey - Don Francisco del Toledo, (translation: Provisions of the Kingdom), (cover and title page missing) n.d. 556p.
__________. Raimundo Gregorio S. De L. - Salario, Salario Justo, Salario Familiar., (translation: Raimundo Gregoriu S. De L. - Salary, Just Salary, Family Salary.), n.d. 418p.
__________. Refutagion., (translation: Refutation.), 1865. 35p.
__________. Todavia Don Aniceto Arce., (translation: Still Don Aniceto Arce.), 1886. 24p.
__________. Un Consevador Articulos Publicados en "La Capital"., (translation: Conservative Articles Published in the Capital.), 1896. 50p.
__________. Una Calumnia Desmentida Con Testimonios Irreprochables., (translation: A Calumny Denied With Irreproachable Testimonies.), 1865. 25p.
__________. Visita Hecha A La Privincia De Chucuito Por Garci Diez De San Miguel En El Ano 1567., (translation: Visit Made By Garci Diez De San Miguel To The Province Of Chucuito In The Year 1567.), 1964. 444p.
__________. Yatekapjjanani Leena, (translation: Aymar Grammar), published by: The Instituto Linguistico de Verano in collaboration with the Comision of Alfabetizacion y Literatura en Aymara, (translation: published by the Linguistic Institute of Verano in collaboration with the Commission of Alphabetization and Literature of the Aymara), 1965. 118p.
Arce, Vargas, Mario. Monografia Estadistica Indigena De Bolivia., (translation: Statistical monograph Of The Bolivian Indians.), 1954. 46p.
Arthur. Los Obispos Conspiradores., (translation: The Conspirator Bishops.), 1907. 35p.
Armentia, Fr. Nicolas. Oficina Nacional de Inmigracion, Estadistica y Propoganda Georgrfica,Limite de Bolivia Con El Peru., (translation: National Office of Immigration, Statistical and Geographic Information, The Borders of Bolivia Shared with Peru.), 1897. 176p.
Arroyo, Pl Luis, O.F.M. Comisarios Generales Del Peru., (translation: Commisars General of Peru.), 1950. 594p.
Astrain, P. Antonio. Historia de la Compania De Jesus en la Asistencia de Espana., Tomo I, (translation: History of the Society of Jesus in the Assistance of Spain., Vol. 1), 1912. 716p.
__________. Historia de la Compania De Jesus en la Asistencia de Espana., Tomo II, (translation: History of the Society of Jesus in the Assistance of Spain., Vol. 2), 1905. 645p.
__________. Historia de la Compania De Jesus en la Asistencia de Espana., Tomo IV, (translation: History of the Society of Jesus in the Assistance of Spain., Vol. 4), 1913. 831p.
__________. Historia de la Compania De Jesus en la Asistencia de Espana. , Tomo V, (translation: History of the Society of Jesus in the Assistance of Spain., Vol. 5), 1916. 734p.
__________. Historia de la Compania De Jesus en la Asistencia de Espana. , Tomo VI, (translation: History of the Society of Jesus in the Assistance of Spain., Vol. 6), 1920. 890p.
__________. Historia de la Compania de Jesus. Tomo III, (translation: History of the Society of Jesus., Vol 3.), 1909. 744p.
Atilantida, S.A. Los Jesuitas En El Rio De La Plata., (transition: The Jesuits in Silver River.), 1941. 131p.
Avendado, Walter del Castillo. Compilacion Legal de la Reforma Agraria en Bolivia., (translation: Legal Complication of Agrarian Reform in Bolivia.), 1955. 336p.
Bayle S.J., Constantino. El Protector De Indios., (translation: The Protector of the Indians.), 1945. 175p.
Buesco, Juan Perz De Tudela. Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles., (translation: Reference Library of Spanish Authors.), 1958. 557p.
__________. Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles., (continuation), (translation: Reference Library of Spanish Authors., 1958. 502p.
Calancha, Fray Antonio De La. Cronica Moralizada., (translation: Chronicle of a Moralist.), 1939. 224p.
Campero, General Narciso. Contestacion A Los Varios Repoches Y Ataques,, (translation: Answer to Various Reproaches and Attacks.), 1884. 35p.
Cardus, Fr. Jose. Las Misiones Franciscanas., (translation: The Franciscan Missions.), 1886. 425p.
__________. La Doctrinia Cristiana., (translation: The Christian Doctrine.), 1883. 248p.
Claure, Alfonso Prudencio. Bolivia: Tupical Paris (Notificas de Perfil)., (translation: Bolivia: A Typical Country (A Sketch of Information)., n.d., 215p.
Coleman, William J., M.M. Restauracion Del Episcopado Chileno En 1828 Segun Fuentes Vaticanas., (translation: The Restoration Of The Chilean Bishops In 1828 Accoridng To Vatican Sources.), 1954. 45p.
D'Arlach, Thomas O'Connor. El General Melgarejo. Hechos Y Dichos De Este Hombre Celebre., (translation: The General Malgarejo. Deeds and Syaings Of This Fomous Man.), n.d. 247p.
d'Orbigny, Alcides. Descripcion Geografics, Historica Y Estadistica de Bolivia., Tomo I. (translation: Geographic, Historic and Statistical Description of Bolivia.), Vol. 1., 1946. 421p.
Daniboriena S.I., Prudenicio. Fe Ctolica Iglesias y Sectas De La Reforma., (translations: The Catholic Faith and the Sects of the Reformation.), 1961. 1228p.
Dereims, Alfredo. Geologia Nacional. Excusiones Cientificas 1901-1904. Informe Del Ingeniero Geologo Alfredo Deremis., (translation: Geology of the Country. Scientific Expeditions. 1901-1904. Report of the Geologist Alfredo Dereims.), 1955. 60p.
Dominquez, Don Pedro Vicente Canete y. Potosi Colonial., (translation: Colonial Potosi.), 1939. 207
Ebbing o.e.s.a., Juan Enrique. Gramatica Aimara., (translation: Aymara Grammar.), 1960. 110p.
Egana S.I., Anjtonio De. Historia de la Iglesia En La America Espanola. , (translation: History of the Church in Latin America.), 1966. 1126p.
Farrell, Walter. A Companion To The Suma., 1945. 529p.
Furlong, Guillermo, S.J. Jose Manuel Peramas U Su Diario del Destierro (1768)., (translaiton: Jose Manuel Peramas and His Diary of Exile. 1768.), 1952. 226p.
__________. Pedro Juan Andreu Y Su Carta A Mateo Andreu, Etc. 1750., (translaiton: Pedro Juan Andreu And His Letters to Mateo Andreu. 1750.), 1953. 150p.
Fuster, Elano Nascar, & Alberto Colunga O.P. La Sagrada Biblia., (translation: The Holy Bible.), 1965. 1312p.
Gallemart, Joannis, Augustini Barbosae, Cardinalis De Luca. Sacrosanctum Oecumenicum Concilium Tridentium., (translation: The Most Holy Ecumenical Council of Trent.), MDCCLXXIX (1779). 676p.
Garcia S.J., Juan Antonio. Gramatica Aymara Sobre la base de una edicion antigua., (translation: Aymara Grammar Based on an Old Edition.), 1917. 256p.
Garcia Gutierrez, Jesus. Regio Patronato Indiano., (translation: Historical Notes About The Origin And Development Of The Royal Indian Patronage Until 1857.), 1941. 331p.
Granada, Fray Louis De. Obras Del Venerable Padre Maetro., Tomo I, (translation: The Works of Venerable Father Maetro., Vol. 1), MDCCC (1800). 345p.
Guzman, Augusto. El Kolla Mitrado. (translation: The Kolla With a Miter. Biography of a colonial Bishop, Fray Bernardino de Cardenas. Second Edition), 1954. 169p.
Haenke, Thaddeaus Peregrinus. Discripcion del Reyon de Chile., (translation: Description of the Kingdom of Chile.), 1942. 280p.
Herrera, Antonio de. Historia De Las Indias., (translation: History Of The Indies.), n.d. 390p.
__________. Historia General De Los Hechos De Los Castellanos En Las Islas y Tierra-Firme., Tomo V, (translation: General History of the Acts of the Castillians in the Islands and Mainland., Vol. 5), n.d. 375p.
__________. Historia General De Los Hechos De Loc Castellanos en Las Islas, y Tierra-Firme de el Mar Oeceano., Vol. 9, (translation: General History of the Acts of the Castillians in the Islands and Mainland of the Ocean.), n.d. 400p.
__________. Historia General., Tomo I, (translation: General History., Vol, 1), n.d. 399p.
__________. Historia General., Tomo IV, (translation: General History., Vol, 4), n.d. 387p.
__________. Historia General., Tomo VIII, (translation: General History., Vol, 8), n.d. 341p.
Hita, Joacuim de. Los Jesuitas en el banquillo., (translation: The Jesuits on the Bench.), 1934. 403p.
Iturri, Luz A. "Colorados de Bolivia"., (translation: Colors of Bolivia.), 1931. 113p.
Kissane, Rev. Edward J., D.D. L.S.S. The Book Of Isaiah: Translated From The Hebrew Test With Commentary., 1941. 425p.
Labougle, Raul de. Historia De Los Comuneros., (translation: History Of The Commoners.), 1953. 298p.
Lavandenz, J. La Colonizacion en Boliva., (translation: The Colonization in Boliva.), 1925. 108p.
Loayza, Francisco A. La Verdad Desnuda., (transaltion: The Bare Truth.), 1943. 276p.
__________. Estado Del Peru., Tomo V, (translation: The State of Peru.), Vol. 5, 1944. 224p.
Lopez Menendez, Felipe. Anuario Eclesiastico De Bolivia., (translation: Yearbook of the Church in Bolivia.), 1953. 299p.
Macanaz, D Melchor De. Pedimento Del Fiscal Jeneral., (translation: Petition of the District Attorney.), 1860. 40p.
Machicao, P.D. Prosa Y Verso de Bolivia ANTOLOGIA., Segundo Tomo, (translation: Prose and Verses of Bolivia - Anthology., Vol. II), 1966. 294p.
Martinez, C. Walker. El Dictador Linares, (translation: The Dictator Linares), 1900. 260p.
Maryknoll. Que Son Los Adventistas?, (translation: What Are The Adventists?), 1957. 39p.
Mateos S.J., F. Historia General De La Compania De Jesus En La Provincia Del Peru., (translation: General History Of The Company Of Jesus In the Province of Peru.), 1944. 479p.
Medina, Jose Toribio. Historica Del Tribunal De La Inquisicion De Lima., Vol. I, (translation: History of the Tribunal of the Inquisition of Lima.), 1956. 333p.
__________. Historica Del Tribunal De La Inquisicion De Lima., Vol. II, (translation: History of the Tribunal of the Inquisition of Lima.), 1956. 530p.
Mesa, Jose De, & Teresa Gilbert. Holguin y La Pintura Altoperuana del Virreinato., (translation: Holguin and the Highland Peruvian Painting of Virreinato.), 1956. 321p.
Metraux, Alfred. La Isla De Pascua., (translation: The Easter Island.), 1950. 264p.
Mille, Andres. Cronica De La Orden Franciscana En La Conquista Del Peru, Paraguay Y El Tucuman, Y Su Concento Del Antiguo Buenos Aires. 1212-1800., (translation: Chronicles of the Pranciscan Order During the Conquest Of Peru, Paraguay And Tucuman, And Its Convent In Old Buenos Aries. 1212-1800., 1961. 488p.
Molina, M., Placido. Historia De La Gobernacion E Intendencia De Santa Cruz De La Sierra., (translation: History Of The Government And Management Of Santa Cruz De La Siera), 1936. 191p.
Montalban S.I., Francisco J. Historia De La Iglesia Catholica., Tomo IV, (Translation: History of the Catholic Church., Vol. 4), 1950. 851p.
Morales, Jose Agustin. Primer Centenaria De Bolivia., (translation: First Centenary of Bolivia.), n.d. 752p.
Navarro, Jose Gabriel. Los Franciscanos En La Conquista Y Colonizaction De America (Fuera De Las Antillas., (translation: The Franciscans In The Conquest And Colonization of America (Outside Of The Antilles).), 1955. 178p.
Nino, P. Bernardion De. Continuacion De La Historia de Misiones Francisanas., (translation: Continuation of the History of the Franciscan Missions.), 1908. 314p.
Olaneta, Casimiro. Mi Defensa., (translation: My Defense.), circa 1880. 25p.
__________. Protesta Que Hace, Contra La Violenta Orden., (translation: Protest That Makes A Case Against the Violent Order.), 1886. 40p.
Otero, Gustavo Adolfo. Figura Y Caracter Del Indio., (translation: Image And Character Of The Indian. The Andean-Bolivian Indians., 1955. 205p.
__________. La Piedra Magica. Vida Y Costumbres De Los Indios Callahuayas De Bolivia., (translation: The Magin Stone. Life and Costumes of the Callahuayas Indians of Bolivia., 1951. 292p.
__________. La Vida Scoial Del Coloniaje., (translation: Social Life In The Colonial Period. History Outline of High Pery, Present Day Bolivia., 1942. 399p.
Palma, Jose. Monografia De La Revolucion de 16 de Julio de 1809., (translation: Monograph of the Revolution of July 16, 1809.), 1911. 74p.
Palza S., Ernesto. Indio Americanos., Tomo I, (translation: American Indians., Vol. 1), 1946. 191p.
__________. Indio Americanos., Tomo II, (translation: American Indians., Vol. 2), 1946. 182p.
Papini, Giovanni. Dante Vivo., (translation: Dante Alive.), n.d. 222p.
Paz Estenssoro, Victor. Discursos Y Mensajes., (translation: Speeches and Messages by Victor Pas Estenssoro.), 1953. 184p.
Pericot Garcia, Luis. America Indigena. Tomo I, (translation: Native America, Vol. 1.), 1936. 727p.
Pierini, Monsenor Fr. Francisco. Obra Pastorales y Oratorias., Tomo VIII, (translation: Pastoral Work and Speeches.), 1929. 192p.
Quesada, Vincent G. Cronicas Potosinas., Vol. 1, (translation: Chronicles of the Potosis.), 1950. 397p.
__________. Cronicas Potosinas., Vol. 2, (translation: Chronicles of the Potosis.), 1951. 382p.
Reno-Moreno, Gabriel. Ultimos Dias Coloniales En El Alto Peru. (translation: The Last Colonial Days in Upper Peru., 1940. 245p.
Reyeros, Radfael. Historia Social de Indio Boliviano "El Pongueaje"., (translation: Social History of the Bolivian Indians, "The Pongueaje".), 1949. 216p.
Riva-Aguero, Jose De La. Historia del Peru., Tomo I, (translation: History of Peru., Vol 1.), 1953. 486p.
Rose, Alejandro. Paginas Patrioticas Tambillos 6 de Diciembre de 1879., (translation: Patriotic Pages of Tambillos, December 6, 1879.), 1915. 19p.
Salamanca, Daniel. Apunte Para Una Teoria Del Valor., Tomo XXIII, (translation: Notes for a Theory of Bravery., Vol. 23), 1935. 23p.
Sans, El M.R.P. Fr. Rafael. Memoria Historica de San Jose De la Paz., (translation: Historical Memory of St. Joseph of Peace.), 1888. 239p.
Santa Ccuz, Victor. Historia Colonial De La Paz., (translation: Colonial History of La Paz.), 1940. 128p.
Sargarnaga, Luis S. La Mita., (translation: The Enforced Service of Indians.), 1917. 18p.
Sierra, Vicente D. Los Jesuitas Germanos en La Conquista Espiritual de Hispano-America., (translation: The German Jesuits in the Spiritual Conquest of Latin America. XVII-XVIII Cent.), 1944. 421p.
Suarez, Jose Chavez. Historia de Moxos., (translation: History of Moxos.), 1944. 509p.
Taborga, Luis. Tierra Morena., (translation: The Dark Land.), 1949. 186p.
Telleria C.SS.R., Raimundo. Libro de Oro (Preparacion Para La Meurte)., (translation: Book of Gold [Preparation for Death].), n.d. 785p.
Tomaselli S.D.B., Giuseppe. Sito - Meditaciones para Sacerdotes., (translation: I Thirst - Meditations for Priests.), 1961. 158p.
Torres Lopez, Ciro. Las Maravillosas Tierras Del Acre (En La Floresta Amzonica De Bolivia., (translation: The Marvellous Land of "Acre." In the Amazon Forest of Bolivia.), 1930. 746p.
Tudela, Juan Perez De & Emilio Lopez Oto. Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles., (translation: Library of Spanish Authors.), 1961. 611p.
Ulloa, Jorge, Juan & Antonio de. Noticias Secretas De America. Siglo XVIII., (translation: Secret News From America. XVIII Century. Vol. II.), 1918, 376p.
Urquidi, Guillermo. Tierras Del Secure - Tesoros Nacionales Desconocidos., (translation: Lands of the Plain -Unknown National Treasures), 1932. 87p.
Urguidi, Dr. Jose Mecedonio. Fastos Del Tiempo Heroico. La Ultima Revolucion De Cochabamba., (translation: Facts From A Heroic Era. The Last Cochabamba Revolution (14 January 1825), 1943. 113p.
Valazquez, Pablo Cejudo. Colorista del Collao Una Biografia de Italaque y del pintor Leonardo Flores., (translation: Colorista of Collao: A Biography of Italy and the Painter Leonardo Flores.), 1966. 169p.
Valencia, Vincente Rodriguez. Santo Toribio De Mogrovejo - Organizado y Apostol de Sur- America., Tomo I, (translation: St. Turibius of Mogrovejo - Organizer and Apostle of South America., Vol. 1), 1956. 562p.
__________. Santo Toribio De Mogrovejo - Organizado y Apostol de Sur-America., Tomo II, (translation: St. Turibius of Mogrovejo - Organizer and Apostle of South America., Vol. 2), 1956. 523p.
Vargas Ugrate S.J., Ruben. Concilios Limenses., Vol. II, (translation: Councils of Lima.), 1952. 253p.
__________. Concilios Limenses 1551-1772., Tomo III, (translation: Councils of Lima., Vol. 3), 1954. 212p.
__________. Historia De La Iglesia En El Peru., Tomo I, (translation: History of the Church in Peru., Vol. 1), 1953. 422p.
__________. Historia De La Iglesia En El Peru., Tomo II, (translation: History of the Church in Peru., Vol. 2), 1959. 546p.
__________. Historia Del Peru., Siglo XVII, (translation: History of Peru - 17th Century.), 1955. 436p.
__________. Historia Del Peru., Siglo XVIII, (translation: History of Peru - 18th Century.), 1956. 464p.
__________. Historia Del Peru 1551-1660., (translation: History of Peru.), 1949. 465p.
__________. Historia Del Peru., (translation: History of Peru. ), 1956. 475p.
__________. Impresos Peruanos 1584-1560., Vol. VII, (translation: Peruvian Publications.), 1953. 272p.
__________. Impresos Peruanos 1651-1699., Vol. VIII, (translation: Peruvian Publications.), 1954. 329p.
__________. Los Jesuitas Del Peru., (translation: The Jesuits of Peru.), 1941. 228p.
__________. Manual De Estudios Peruanistas. Lima., (translation: Manual of Peruvian Studies, publised by the Academy of Language and History, Lima, Peru. 1952. 364p.
__________. Pasaceres Juridicos en Asuntos de Indias., (translation: Judicial Laws on Indian Matters,), 1951. 183p.
Villarejo O.S.A., Avencio. Los Agustinos En El Peru. (translation: The Augustinians In Peru. 1548-1965), 1965. 480p.
Villarroel, Andres Novillo. 23.Oral - Notas Sobre Su Pasado., (translation: 23rd Speech - Notes About His Past.), 1928. 112p.
Villoslada S.I., Ricardo Garcia. Historia De La Iglesia Catholica., Tomo II, (translation: History of the Catholic Church.), Vol. 2), 1953. 1006p.
Xirau, Joaquin. Vida Y Obra De Ramon Lull. Filosofia Y Mistica., (translation: Life and Works of Ramon Lull. Philosophy and Mysticism.), 1946. 282p.
In February of 1959, Mr. George E. Barrett of Nashville was the recipient of a gift of two books from Father John Higgins. In January of 1995, upon hearing of this special collection to honor Father Higgins, Mr. Barrett generously donated the books to this collection. They are:
Chateaubriand, Francois-Auguste., Genie Du Christianisme, or Beautes de La Religion Chretienne. Tome Premier, Paris, 1803. 730p.
Chateaubriand, Francois-Auguste., Genie Du Christianisme, or Beautes de La Religion Chretienne. Tome Second, Paris, 1803. 642p.
Christian Brothers University is grateful to Mr. Barrett for his generosity.
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