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EBSCO Image Quick View

Selected EBSCO databases--Academic Search Ultimate, Business Source Ultimate, and CINAHL--all include a Image Quick View search option. Selecting it lets you search for journal articles that include images. You can even limit your image search to types of images: black and white photos, color photos, graphs, charts, maps, diagrams, or illustrations.

EBSCO images are copyrighted by the articles' publishers. While the images may be printed for personal, non-commercial use, or used in presentations in non-profit educational settings, they can't be posted on websites or used in any other form of publication or mass media without written permission.

Images in Credo Reference

Credo Reference includes images as part of every search. You can also use its Image Search option in the drop-down box on the search bar. Copyright status is indicated on the description page for each image.

Images in JSTOR

To search for images in JSTOR, use Advanced Search and change your search from the default "All Fields" to "Caption." You will find images that include your search term in their accompanying captions. 

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