Welcome to the latest edition of The Same Page, Plough Library's newsletter! In it, you'll find our open house, database news, book recommendations, and librarian news!
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You have most likely already heard of and even used EBSCO as a resource. The reason it's our Featured Resource of the Month is because it has gotten a makeover! Some new things of note include: a new homepage look, more personalization, and better citation tools.

Check it out here: EBSCO
Compare the new look to the current interface below:

Let us know your thoughts on the new interface! It is available to use now, only on the CBU campus. In January, we will completely switch over to the new look and users will be able to access it off-campus, as well.
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CBU Students!
The librarians want your feedback! We have put together a short survey to help us serve you better. Please take a moment to share your thoughts with us here. We also have print copies available in the Library.
Thanks for your willingness to participate.
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Save the date for the Library Open House! Come to Plough Library on Tuesday, October 22 from 11am-1pm during the Open House! We’ll have games & puzzles, food & prizes, comic books, a station to suggest names for our new plants, material from the archives, and opportunities to meet your library staff and learn about the library’s resources!
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Ann Youngblood Mulhearn's Social Justice From Outside the Walls: Catholic Women in Memphis, 1950-1970 is a recent addition to Plough Library's collection. Given the time frame, it should come as no surprise that space is devoted to activist Allegra Turner, her husband and sons, Brother Terence McLaughlin, and the integration of CBHs.
You can find it in the LaSallian Collection, call number 282.768 M85 2024.
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Welcome to a new school year! We are excited to see everyone back on campus and to meet new members of the CBU community. Visit the library to check out our books!
Here are some books we've added to the collection so far in 2024, sorted by subject:
New Titles in Literature and Rhetoric 2024
New Titles in Technology, Art, History, Biography, and Geography 2024
New Titles in Social Sciences, Language, Natural Sciences, and Math 2024
New Titles in General Works, Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion 2024
You can also check out our New and Popular Books shelves on the main floor at Plough Library, right across from the Library Service Desk.
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Each year we encourage you to check the links for any library resources included in your courseware. This year, however, we have an entirely new proxy prefix, so all your URLs need to be updated.
Our new prefix is:
For databases, you can grab the correct links from the Library’s A-Z list. For links within databases, on the other hand, you will need to make new permalinks. Some databases, e.g., Films on Demand, Academic Video Online, and SciTech Premium, already include our prefix in their permalinks, so you can just copy and paste them. Others, like the EBSCO databases, do not. For these permalinks, all you need to do is add our prefix yourself! Here are some examples:
If you need help, come by the library and we’ll be glad to show you what to do. You can also send us your old URLs, and we’ll send replacements.
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UPDATE: Access has been restored to most of Plough Library's online resources, including databases, ebooks, and ejournals. If you experience any further access issues, please contact Kay Cunningham at 901-321-3430 or kay.cunningham@cbu.edu.
Due to unforeseen events, most of the library's online resources are temporarily unavailable, both on and off campus. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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The Same Page, the official newsletter of Plough Library, is back with our first issue since fall 2019! We invite you to read it online (it's a PDF) and see what's new, as well as services and resources you may have forgotten we offer.
In this issue:
- From the Director
- What Do You Love about the Library?
- Relax at the Library
- Group Study Rooms
- Start Growing with the CBU Seed Library
- The New York Times
- Memphis Business Journal
- Library Staff News
- Refworks is Leaving June 30th
- March Madness of Books
- Instruction Services
- Electronic Resources Updates
- Beverly & Sam Ross Gallery
- From the Br. I. Leo O’Donnell Archives
- Explore the Library!
- Check Out These Books
Plough Library offers many resources for business assignments. Below are just a few of the research tools Plough Library has to offer, and these just barely scratch the surface.
Business Source Ultimate - This EBSCO database features articles from academic, professional, and trade journals. You can find case studies, country economic reports, and company and industry profiles. Also featured are interviews with executives and analysts.
Gale OneFile Business - Provided by the Tennessee Electronic Library (TEL), this is a great resource to analyze industry trends. You can look up broker research reports, trade publications, and even company directories.
There are more databases in the Plough Library Business and Economics research guide, as well as reference books, websites, glossaries, journals, and more.
If you need help or have any questions about business resources, contact School of Business liaison librarian William Brandon.
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