Career Services empowers CBU students and alumni by providing comprehensive career development services and resources to support them in securing meaningful post graduate goals.
Gale Presents: Peterson's Test and Career Prep offers resources for college planning, financial aid tools, and career development. Includes practice tests for graduate entrance exams, certifications, licensing exams.
Provided by TEL. Usage note: Registration required to use practice tests.
Collection of streaming videos on career exploration and career fields as well as job searching and job skills.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Resources
Career OutlookFrom the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Career Outlook articles provide data and information on a variety of topics—including occupations and industries, pay and benefits, and more.
Occupational Outlook HandbookOccupational Outlook Handbook, from the Bureau of Labor Statistics gives information on hundreds of jobs: training and education needed, expected earnings and prospects, and working conditions. Includes job search tips and information on job markets for each state.