Articles appear in periodicals - magazines, newspapers, and journals. An article can be anything from a five paragraph piece in a popular magazine or a fifty-page report in a scientific journal.
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Gale Databases can limit to "Peer Reviewed Journals" |
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American Economic Review, Journal of Biomechanics |
National Geographic, Glamour, Sports Illustrated | Advertising Age, Sight and Sound, Industry Week |
scholars, researchers, or experts in the field | magazine staff writers or free-lance writers | specialists or practitioners in the profession or industry |
scholars, researchers, professionals, and students | general public | members of a specific profession or industry |
always cite their sources in the form of a bibliography or footnotes | rarely cite sources | occasionally cite sources |
Peer-Reviewed (Refereed)
articles are reviewed by an author's peers before publication |
no peer-review (articles reviewed by an editor or an editorial board)
no peer-review process |
minimal, select advertising, usually geared towards the discipline | extensive advertising, aimed at the general public | usually contains advertisements that are trade or industry related |
plain cover and paper, lengthy articles with abstracts, minimal pictures other than graphics within articles | attractive format, glossy paper, short articles with no formal structure, many pictures | attractive format, glossy paper, short to medium-length articles with no formal structure, heavily illustrated |
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