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Data Science

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Data Science is...

  • Data science is a multidisciplinary field for analyzing large amounts of data, with the object of generating results that can support decision management.
  • In the realm of big data, data is analyzed to create meaningful insights to support real-time decision making or as part of a future strategy or endeavor.
  • The life cycle of a typical data-science project consists of two phases or steps: business and data understanding, and data preparation.
  • In a data-science project, data preparation consists of capturing, scrubbing, and processing the data.
  • To make use of the data, mathematical models are created and used as classifiers for finding data with similar characteristics or for making predictions.
  • To aid the decision-management process, the modeling results need to be communicated in a manner that makes sense to the decision makers; and whenever possible, it is important to present the data analysis visually.

-- Gupta, P., & Mata-Toledo, R.A. (2020, February). Data science. AccessScience. Retrieved August 29, 2023, from

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