Library News

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Welcome to a new school year! We are excited to see everyone back on campus and to meet new members of the CBU community. Visit the library to check out our books!

Here are some books we've added to the collection so far in 2024, sorted by subject:

New Titles in Literature and Rhetoric 2024

New Titles in Technology, Art, History, Biography, and Geography 2024

New Titles in Social Sciences, Language, Natural Sciences, and Math 2024

New Titles in General Works, Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion 2024

You can also check out our New and Popular Books shelves on the main floor at Plough Library, right across from the Library Service Desk.

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profile-icon Kay Cunningham

Each year we encourage you to check the links for any library resources included in your courseware. This year, however, we have an entirely new proxy prefix, so all your URLs need to be updated. 

Our new prefix is:

For databases, you can grab the correct links from the Library’s A-Z list. For links within databases, on the other hand, you will need to make new permalinks. Some databases, e.g., Films on Demand, Academic Video Online, and SciTech Premium, already include our prefix in their permalinks, so you can just copy and paste them. Others, like the EBSCO databases, do not. For these permalinks, all you need to do is add our prefix yourself! Here are some examples:

If you need help, come by the library and we’ll be glad to show you what to do. You can also send us your old URLs, and we’ll send replacements.

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Plough Library · Christian Brothers University
Library Hours

650 E Parkway S, Memphis, TN 38104 · (901) 321-3432