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JSTOR is Unique

November's Database of the Month is JSTOR. This database is unique in that it contains journals from their very first issue up to 2-5 years ago. While It is not the place to search for breaking news and the latest research, JSTOR is a great source of scholarship on historical topics, literature and languages, religion, philosophy, social sciences, and more! JSTOR includes top peer-reviewed scholarly journals as well as respected literary journals, academic monographs, and primary sources.

Fun fact: Jjstor database logoSTOR stands for Journal Storage

"JSTOR was conceived in 1994 by William G. Bowen, then-president of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, to help university and college libraries provide adequate space for an ever-increasing amount of published scholarship. Bowen’s solution: convert printed scholarly journals into electronic form and store them in a centralized digital archive. Participating libraries and their institutions could free physical space, reduce capital and other costs associated with collection storage, and vastly improve access to scholarly research." Source:

Where can I find JSTOR?

Click on the Articles & Databases box on the Plough Library homepage and find it in the A-Z Databases list. In addition, many of the library's Subject Guides link to JSTOR.

Please note that CBU normally only has access to a subset of JSTOR's archive collections, specifically Arts & Sciences I-IV and VII, and the Sustainability collection. Due to COVID-19, colleges and universities have special access to ALL of JSTOR's archive collections through June 30, 2022.


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Tiffany Day
No Subjects

As promised in our October 5th blog post, below you will find the links for subject-specific lists of the items that were acquired and added to Plough Library’s collection between July and September 2021. (Newspapers, journals, and other serials are not included.)

As we continue to add new items to the library's collection, we will continue sharing these exciting updates with you. We will publish these lists regularly, so be sure to check back here for more, and, as always, please reach out if you have any questions or would like more information:


(Pictured right are some of the last of the Asiatic Dayflower blooms from the flowerbeds in front of Plough Library.)

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profile-icon Kay Cunningham

                            All CBU 101 Students should have received emails inviting them to schedule an appointment with their Personal Librarian. 

Need help? Find your Personal Librarian and their Starfish scheduling link here.

Meeting with your Personal Librarian is one of the assignments required to complete CBU 101. It's easy! The meetings are short (15-30 minutes) and are designed to give you an introduction to library resources that you'll be able to use in all your classes here at CBU. Check your email, and be sure to complete your meeting by November 22.


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