Join Plough Library for the Library Speaker Symposium on Wednesday, March 22 in Plough Library's InfoLab! We have three speakers lined up to talk about some interesting topics. Refreshments provided. You can also join from online using the Microsoft Teams link provided on the CBU Events page.

The following speakers from various CBU departments will present on Wednesday, March 22:

  • 1:00-1:30pm - Kay Cunningham, Director, Plough Library and the Brother I. Leo O'Donnell Archives - "Superman and Media"
    • Superman may have started in the comic books, but his other media appearances--radio, animation, movies--pulled concepts from the comics and fed back into them. Find out if what you think you know about the Man of Steel is so.
  • 1:30-2:00pm - Brother Alan Parham, Campus Minister, Campus Ministry - "Vocation to Ministry"
    • Ministry is a broad term, but many experience it as a call rather than just a career decision. This session will focus on how we at a Lasallian institution can better discern that call.
  • 2:00-2:30pm - Dr. Pong Malasri - Packaging Initiatives Coordinator, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Department of Packaging - "Recruiting the Gen Zers"
    • This presentation will discuss a three-pronged approach in recruiting a new generation of true digital natives, who do not know a world without smartphones and do not distinguish between physical and digital worlds.