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Plagiarism Prevention and Detection Guide for CBU Faculty

What Is Plagiarism?

Plagiarize - \'pla-je-,riz also j - -\ vb -rized; -riz·ing vt [plagiary] : to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (a created production) without crediting the source vi: to commit literary theft: present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.

- Webster's Third New International Dictionary

Three Basic Varieties

  1. Using another's words without giving credit.
  2. Using another's ideas -- paraphrasing or simply changing words around -- without giving credit.
  3. Citing sources that weren't used in the paper, or making up references.

Why Do Students Plagiarize?

Why Do Students Plagiarize?

  • Lack of research skills
  • Problems evaluating Internet sources
  • Confusion between plagiarism and paraphrasing
  • Careless notetaking
  • Confusion about how to properly cite sources
  • External factors (pressure from family/peers; attitudes toward school, etc.)
  • Internal factors (poor time management, lack of organization, etc.)
  • Culturally based attitudes toward plagiarism

How Do Students Plagiarize?

How Do They Plagiarize?

  • Cutting and pasting text from online resources, including library databases
  • Using internet-based paper mills
  • Re-using another student's work
  • Copying from books and reference materials

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